The Technical Expert is the one who has acquired the diploma in technical expert. Usually, the most common specialist for this type of study we mention the industrial technical expert, the aeronautical technical expert and the commercial technical expert.

Once you have passed the two-year period before the exam to be taken to go to the next three years in which the candidate will choose according to the preference of the specialist, we can describe the various specializations as well as the tasks that will perform as:

The agricultural technical expert who, through the certification of the title, will be configured as an agricultural expert or a multi-purpose technician who performs tasks ranging from the management of farms to technical assistance, to advice in the agri-food sector;

The technical expert in photographic and graphic arts, the professional who is able to correctly use photographic cameras and shooting cameras, exposure meters, magnifiers, fixed and animated projectors. In addition, it must know the chemical and optical processes of printing, retouching, enlarging in photography as well as the photomechanical procedures for obtaining line and line chichés and applications for gravure and screen printing;

The chemical-technical expert, the professional able to carry out the profession of laboratory analysis technician assigned to control tasks in the chemical, mechanical, merchandising, biochemical, pharmaceutical, chemical-clinical, bromatological, ecological and environmental hygiene sectors, the technician assigned to the management and control of production plants and operators in scientific research laboratories;

The aeronautical technician, that is the graduate in a technical institute that can then decide of his future, choosing as a profession to perform the assistance to the air navigation;

The nautical expert, or the professional who performs the nautical expertise, technical assessment that is of fundamental importance both in legal disputes where, in addition to identifying the extent of the damage, it is necessary to determine above all the cause and the responsibility of the events occurred in such a way to be able to determine the actual state of use in which a boat is located;

The company expert, or the professional who performs the task of intermediation between companies so that they can create or separate business agreements;

The expert for tourism, or the professional who is employed in travel agencies and transport companies, collaborates with tour operators or is employed in accommodation facilities or companies that organize congresses as well as in tourism agencies, museums and many others realities that revolve around tourist accommodation;

The economico-dietitian technical expert, that is the multi-purpose and flexible operator able to insert himself through his own competences in social services with a community dimension. In particular, its specific scientific preparation in the nutritional field allows to sensitize individuals and the community to promote proper nutrition and develop personalized diets to prevent diseases.

The technical expert with his various specializations may decide to work both as a freelancer and as an employee in companies of various kinds.

To become a technical expert it is necessary that the candidate obtains the technical education diploma, the qualification that has legal value and that can be achieved at the end of a five year technical upper secondary education course. The course of technical expert usually consists of a two-year period in which the disciplines of a general nature will be treated plus a three-year period in which the technical subjects will be analyzed in greater detail according to the specialization chosen by the candidate. It is not possible to define a precise profile of a technical expert because, as previously mentioned, the specialist classes that characterize this study path are many and, therefore, as such, will need different and varied skills and requirements. Necessary, however, to bring out their profile compared to other candidates will be the in-depth knowledge of information technology as well as software useful to better perform their profession such as writing programs, calculations and databases. Moreover, a special feature is the knowledge of foreign languages, especially of the languages ??referring to the European Union such as English and French, as they represent an excellent point in favor of a profession that needs to conduct relationships with abroad or otherwise communicate with individuals of other nationalities to ours. It is also necessary to have excellent knowledge of the Italian language, the ability to work in a team, the seriousness and the ability to maintain and carry out the tasks assigned. Quality certainly not to be neglected, then, is the acquisition of a lot of experience that must be cultivated and acquired through internships, work meetings, internships and training courses depending on the specialist choice and that will bring the technical expert to achieve jobs and usually well paid according to the European salary level and the regulations in force.