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Every company that deals with tourism, be it a small hotel, a b & b, a farmhouse and a private landlord or holiday home, must recognize that tourism has changed in recent years. We have gone from an offer from catalogs and travel agencies to online proposals, even directly. But what is today's traveler looking for? EMOTIONS! He wants to bring with him not only photographic and product memories, but something that is imprinted inside and remains there forever.
Neuromarketing is a new branch of promotion that many companies use and do not know how to recognize, it links the inner needs to the emotions that can be aroused by the product. This course helps you to create EXPERIENCES or IMPROVE YOUR OFFER with neuromarketing strategies, through a simple, guided path that will provide immediate results. A technique that has helped many tourism operators, making their offers more attractive, but above all by binding customers to return.
The course of the course consists of a basic part of analysis, where you learn the techniques to analyze your offer, through lessons that explain with examples the various sections examined such as the location, the advantages to be exploited, the difficulties to be overcome, as well as forms to fill in for each segment. At the end we move on to the drafting part of the neuromarketing project, where the cards are examined individually and the path to be tackled is identified.
The course consists of 4 phases for the basic part, where the modules will be sent and when each card is returned the next module will be sent - 4 half-hour online lessons for the second phase - An individual summary card will be sent with analysis of the segment and operational tips.
Dopo aver appreso nel corso base le nozioni e i principi del neuromarketing, utili ad attrarre il viaggiatore verso la propria struttura, nel corso avanzato prenderemo in esame le schede che sono state riempite per ogni settore. Queste saranno analizzate individualmente per poter individuare i punti di forza, da usare come vantaggio competitivo verso la concorrenza (perché di concorrenza nel turismo ne avrete eccome…).
Il livello avanzato si compone di 4 moduli, dove prima di ognuno sarà fornito del materiale da leggere e dopo sarà fatto un’analisi di persona online o cellulare, a vostra preferenza.
Ogni aspetto trattato riguarderà come impostare la giusta comunicazione, sia essa sui propri siti web, che nella promozione nei social, usando un linguaggio idoneo a suscitare le emozioni del viaggiatore.
Prima l’ultimo modulo inviato conterrà un report individuale sull’attività presa in esame, con considerazioni e possibili approcci.
L’ultimo incontro online discuterà di quanto esaminato a consuntivo di tutte le analisi del percorso.
Il corso si basa sulle strategie comunicative della Programmazione Neuro Linguistica, messe in atto da tutti i brand che vogliono creare un legame emotivo e una fidelizzazione con il cliente.