Find the beauty that is thought lost: Notox and Botox
Try to reach the beauty you thought, in the past, it could be a target just women who, at 'the first wrinkles appear, ran away resorting to cosmetic surgeon and "ritocchini". In fact, more and more surgeons are found to be dealing with a large number of men who, dissatisfied with their appearance, they want removed from their faces imperfections and traces of passing years. Unfortunately, relying on an excellent doctor is not a synonym for "natural results" (just look at the before and after of the big stars who have had Botox) but these interventions, being the temporal nature, allow us to return to our pre appearance -treatment in a short time.
The Botox.
Botox is the most common treatment for groped to delay the signs of aging. Botulinum toxin is a poisonous substance that, injected into the epidermis, breaks a protein which allows neurons to release acetylcholine, which, in turn, propagating the neuromuscular joints, interferes with nerve impulses that literally paralyze the muscle. Precisely for this reason, treatment with Botox is used in the cosmetic field to smooth out wrinkles but also for the treatment of other diseases such as the elimination of nervous tics. The treatment can be performed every six months and provides that the substance is injected on the part to be treated and takes about 20 minutes; you must wait a week to see results but the peak of the change will take place after 30 days.
The Notox.
The Notox, unlike the classic botox treatment is a more expensive system (an application can cost up to 4000 EUR unlike botox that is around 400 euro) but does not use poisonous substances and have effects very more lasting: a difference, in fact the classic "retouch", its effect can last up to two years and so there is no need to repeat the treatment in the short term. Commonly called GFX, this treatment uses the method already used by doctors for cardiovascular care, radio frequency, instead of electrically stimulates the muscles clinically block, facial nerves, causing them to literally go into shock, blocking them. Treatment with NOTOX, unlike botox, it is not painful but it only causes a strong burning sensation.