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    Premium website

    1 hour
    Available on-site and off-site within a range of 100km Booking with confirmation Pay online or on-site
    Provided by

    The Premium Website is designed to support all those companies that need an online presence with an intuitive and usable platform.


    The service includes:

    • Study of the sector and the reference target;
    • Onsite analysis with specific tools to evaluate the pre-processing situation and the interventions to be carried out;
    • Creation of the site with study of the internal sections for a maximum of 8;
    • Development on proprietary platform;
    • Analysis of the Marketing Funnel and calls to action;
    • Preparation for SEO activities and organic positioning;
    • Connection to the main corporate social channels;
    • Plus modules included
    • Responsive Web Design;
    • Professional Copywriting.
    €800.00 if pay on-site
    €680.00 - 15% if pay online
    Available in:
    Foggia, Puglia, Italy

    Advanced website

    Delivery in 20 days   No revisions included
    Provided online Pay online
    Provided by
    Sam A. 

    Creation of an advanced website of the highest quality. I can program in html, css and javascript.

    I create both dynamic and static websites. To get in contact I prefer via chat, since I live in Sweden. For me, a website must be something one likes, one must put effort into creating it and people must be satisfied with it once they see it.

    Made in:
    Söderskogen, Uppsala Lan, Sweden