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€45.00 if pay on-site

€38.25 - 15% with more orders

Available in:
Verona, Veneto, Italy
Available only on-site

Booking Information

1 hour
Bookable for longer time
Available only on-site Booking with confirmation Pay online or on-site
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The Counselor is a professional who tries to help those who are in a state of difficulty, to find themselves. It is therefore a sort of guide for those who, in a difficult phase, need to improve the relationship with themselves and with the surrounding environment. In addition to the counseling service, the center also offers other forms of therapy:

Relational problems

Existential conflicts

Anxiety and stress

Separations and mourning

Affective dependence

Couples therapy

Decision blocks

Emotional conflicts

Personal growth

Achievement of goals

OJALA Integrated Strategic Therapy CoActive Coaching & Gestalt Consulting

Related Services

Gestalt therapy

1 hour
Bookable for longer time
Available only on-site Booking with confirmation Pay online or on-site
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Gestalt therapy. A path to make the person more capable of self-support.

  • It becomes an opportunity for the customer to explore their reality, to give quality to their life and to take full responsibility for their existence.
  • It therefore serves to make the person in difficulty regain contact with her emotional world, making her aware of her own abilities and shortcomings and making her take responsibility for her own feelings.
  • It aims at the maturation of the individual, accompanying him towards a position of self-support.
  • It becomes that occasion that allows the person to fully experience himself.
  • It is to accompany the person who chooses to undertake psychotherapy to recognize her story, to accept himself in his way of being and to face life with all his difficulties, annihilating the illusions and making him more alive.
  • It is not a question of changing, modifying, transforming, arranging or curing the patient, but of helping him to bring out, on the surface, his ability and his strength already existing in his inner world.
  • It is to accompany the person to bring out their creativity to achieve the only important purpose, which is to improve their quality of life.

OJALA Integrated Strategic Therapy CoActive Coaching & Gestalt Consulting

€45.00 if pay on-site
€38.25 - 15% with more orders
Available in:
Verona, Veneto, Italy