From 27 to 29 September 2017 the World Educational Fair "Didacta" lands in Florence, crossing the Italian border for the first time. The announcement was made official during the Italian-German Economic Forum held at Palazzo Chigi in Rome in November 2016. 


Didacta is the largest trade fair in the world on vocational training and school-work alternation. Every year the event attracts about 110 thousand visitors in the cities of Cologne, Stuttgart and Hanover, and this year it will also take place in Italy, with the aim of promoting the topic of school-work alternation, characteristic of the German dual system and central node of the school reform designed by the Government. Didacta is addressed to the operators of the sector of education, education and vocational training, such as teachers, school managers, educators and trainers, but not only. It represents an excellent opportunity for updating also for professionals and entrepreneurs working in the school and technology sector. The program of the event includes both the setting up of an exhibition area, in which the companies working in the world of education and training will be the protagonists, as well as the organization of a series of events such as seminars and conferences on scientific, humanistic topics. and technology. The phrase representative of the event will be "transforming education for the future": the Fair will in fact be the opportunity not only to discover the latest technological innovations in the field of digital media for school 2.0, but also to open a debate on educational innovations necessary to allow school education to keep pace with a constantly changing world of work. The location chosen for Didacta Italia is one of the most representative places in the Tuscan capital: the Fortezza da Basso in Florence, which will be highlighted with the organization of other trade fairs. Fiera Didacta Italia is sponsored by Miur, the Department of European Policies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Italy, the Italo-German Center Villa Vigoni, Unioncamere and Assocamerestero.